Monday, February 14, 2011

the vision

day of love is winding down. capri blue volcano candle is casting its glow across the golden walls of my room. nat the king is serenading. 

i love this day of the year. never does it fail to lift, to fill, to warm, to excite, to girlishly giggle and remember what it means to truly love. 

tonight i saw this:

i love this story: the music, the romance, the enchantment--fill my life with these, please! in the ballet, the prince's name is Desire, and the fairies bestow gifts of Kindness, Beauty, Joy, Temperament, and Wisdom. what more beautiful qualities to enhance the life of a princess? my favorite act is called "The Vision" when the prince is shown a glimpse of his love-to-be, and what their future life will be like. then begins his journey to find her through the deep forest and past all evil forces against him. 

bless this day for valentines past, present, and those to fill our hearts one day. 


  1. You're totally cute and so deep! I love reading your blog!

  2. I love your eloquence ;)...I know we need to talk soon, I spent all Sunday night puking my guts out - sorry, I shouldn't have left that mark on such a sweet and serendipitous blog...forgive me! Well, I am better now and I hope the days following love day found you basking in the joys of sunshine and bliss! (how was that for jess talk? ;)) love you!
    p.s. I am, as we speak, making blueberry pancakes. :)
